Hours and hours and hours of rants, news, guest and listener call-ins and just plain vanilla insanity. The WhatTheHell Show is a great example of what happens when you put a lot of opinionated guys (and girls) in some vegan's house with lots of Dr. Pepper and various Japanese confectionary to fuel them. Sean was one of many personalities that appeared during the shows 2 year run. Due to the issues discussed on WTH?!?, Sean was constantly looking foreword to being apprehended by the FCC, RIAA, MPAA or any other evil/official acronym because of all the press coverage it would give him. During this time, Sean started the counter culture organization known as KULT and many details of what the organization was like can be find in various WTH?!? shows. It was the show that introduced Sean Kennedy and Cimmerian to the world.
BUY: Check out the WhatTheHell?!? DVD set. (OUT OF PRINT)
EPISODES: Listen to every episode of WhatTheHell?!? every recorded.
PHOTO GALLERY: Check out photos from WhatTheHell!
FORUM: Discuss WhatTheHell with other fans!
GRAPHICS: Download posters, stickers, banners to help spread the word about WhatTheHell?!?
2015.09.07: NOW IN VIDEO!! Episodes of The WhatTheHell?!? Show are being transferred from their 16 year old media to digital! Check out the first episodes of the show for links to the YouTube videos!
2009.10.13: Graphics area of the page has been updated! There is a great wallpaper by Nixter and some banners up. More will be added soon!
2009.10.07: The gallery section of the page has been updated! Check out the 4th Anniversary pictures and more!
2009.08.10: Excuse the dust on the WhatTheHell?!? page. We're completely revamping it from the old site. In the mean time, please listen to the archives of WTH and check the photos from the shows on the episodes pages!